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Can you help us to compile new Case Profiles on this website?
The information set out below will give you all you need to consider whether becoming a volunteer writer is for you. There’s no time commitment or deadlines – give what you can, when you can.
Already a volunteer?
We thank you so much for giving up some of your valuable time to assist us in completing Pending Case Profiles for the 4WardEverUK website.
Every effort is a great help. Onward ever…
Inclusive involvement!
4WardEverUK draws our volunteers from all walks of life and countries of the world. We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Backdrop
4WardEverUK’s case profiles are at the core of the information that we provide to the public. Since 2006 we have documented hundreds cases of state killings and abuse from all over the world, and we believe it is important that these stories are told, that injustice is challenged, and that the victims are afforded some dignity.
Please contact us if you have a specific query about the process that is set out on this page.
Important: The ‘Pending Cases’ page will always be available to any person that offers their time as volunteer writers. We welcome submissions of unlisted cases provided they fall within the campaigning focus of 4WardEverUK.
Editorial Format
Important: 4WardEverUK maintains an editorial and presentation format throughout all content on our websites. Please observe the guide on formatting for Case Profiles.
That’s it and thanks again!
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