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The People’s Tribunal has no legal status but acts as a court of the people, a Tribunal of conscience, faced with injustices and violations of law, that are recognised but continue with complete impunity due to the lack of political will of successive UK governments.
The Tribunal will call an international panel with experience from outside the UK to examine the evidence collated from cases covering three decades of crime and impunity in terms of police violence that has led to death. It will also highlight the issue of racist police violence as it impacts citizens.
Please contact The People’s Tribunal directly if you have any queries about their planned activities…. thanks!
The People’s Tribunal on Police Killings (PTPK) welcomes the support of Black Lives Matter. The Tribunal is an initiative made up of the United Families & Friends Campaign, Migrant Media and 4WardEverUK.
Campaigns of families whose loved ones have died in custody, welcome the continuing support of Black Lives Matter UK. They have consistently helped to promote the work of UFFC and support affected families in their struggles for justice over a number of years.
About The PTPK
The People’s Tribunal on Police Killings will have its first session in the UK, and will focus on the crimes of murder and manslaughter committed by serving police officers in the UK. The lack of justice in these cases, the flouting of the law and the systemic nature of the crime and the impunity offered to police officers.
Remembrance & Event Calendar ..
Individual remembrance notices on the calendar generally apply to the cases that are featured on this website and/or from other third-party sources!
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