National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund ..

Practical support for families!

On 7 September 2015, the twelfth anniversary of the death of Mikey Powell who was killed in the custody of West Midlands Police, 4WardEverUK in association with others, launched the National Memorial Family Fund Appeal.

The Fund was developed in conjunction with the Friends of Mikey Powell Campaign, the United Families & Friends Campaign and Migrant Media, and acknowledges the prison rights campaigner, Pauline Campbell, who died in May 2008.

Founder, Tippa Naphtali (cousin of Mikey Powell) said; "The needs of affected families often gets lost in the equally important work of campaigning and lobbying of the state. We want to change that with a permanent fund set up specifically for their needs."

Big Changes in 2024

The Memorial Family Fund has been established as an Unincorporated Association (incubated by Catalyst 4 Change CIC) in remembrance of Mikey Powell and the work and campaigning of the late Pauline Campbell.

The fund is administered centrally by 4WardEverUK, with assessment partners located around the UK via campaigns and organisations such as UFFC, Migrant Media, INQUEST, the Northern Police Monitoring Project, Red Alert HELP! and others.

4WardEverUK also provides a FREE web design service for affected families. More here >

Campaigners at London rally 2004

Plans and services ..

As well as their funding programmes and gifting schemes, the NMPMFF also aspire to develop other initiatives that recognise and support affected families. They are grateful to all those that gave the fund a huge boost in 2020.

Services planned include the Annual Gala Dinner & Awards, National Events Programme, Counselling Hubs, Regional 24-Hour Advice Lines, and the Year-Round Holiday Schemes.

"The difference we are making now"

The Fund is already making a practical difference to families and their campaign groups that need financial and wellbeing support during their long struggles for justice lasting decades in many cases. NMPMFF inaugural Annual Report >

It is our absolute and undivided commitment that this work should be continued indefinitely, and will maintain our momentum in this respect.

See Grants Awarded
Memorial Family Fund Easyfundraising banner

Shop and support the Fund ..

You can easily help raise money for the National Memorial Family Fund simply by doing something that we all do on a regular basis… Our shopping for food, clothing, household items, holidays, travel and entertainment.  Click the banner to get started!

Cruse Bereavement Care banner

Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national UK charity providing support for bereaved people throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Visit the website here >

Red Alert HELP!

Red Alert HELP! provides an interactive advice portal with a smart type-search system that will present answers or solutions to many queries.

Visit the portal here >

LawWorks Charity

LawWorks is a national UK charity that is committed to enabling access to justice through free legal support utilising the power of pro bono legal advice.

Visit the website here >

National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund (Led by families for families);
The National Memorial Family Fund is the first permanent national resource of its kind specifically for those that are affected by deaths in custody. We make small grants available for families and their campaign groups across the United Kingdom to provide practical domestic assistance and campaign support.

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