Volunteer Researchers ..

Can you help to research items for the Red Alert HELP! portal?

All the information that you will need is detailed on this webpage to help you compile and submit content for our online directory resource… thanks!

Already a volunteer?

We thank you so much for giving up some of your valuable time to assist us in researching useful items for additions to the DIY support portal.

Every effort is a great help. Onward ever…

Inclusive involvement!

4WardEverUK draws our volunteers from all walks of life and countries of the world. We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. We look forward to hearing from you!

Getting started

The information below and set out on this page will give you all the information that you will need to consider becoming a volunteer researcher.

Quick Document Downloads: 

Red Alert Research Guide >

About Red Alert HELP! >

Red Alert portal screenshot

About Red Alert ..

Red Alert HELP! provides an interactive online advice portal available 24/7 x 365 to help affected families and related campaign groups to find the information, services or support that they need. Primarily featuring services in the West Midlands, there is also information on national services, campaigns and support initiatives.

The portal consists of a type-recognition system that will find key words as visitors type into the search box, and then present answers or solutions to the query. Visitors can also submit tickets (queries / requests).


Please contact us if you have a specific query about the process that is set out on this and the DIY portal submission page.

Data Submission
Memorial Family Fund Easyfundraising banner

Shop and support the Family Fund ..

You can easily help raise money for the National Memorial Family Fund simply by doing something that we all do on a regular basis… Our shopping for food, clothing, household items, holidays, travel and entertainment.  Click the banner to get started!

Researching Content

Important: The ‘Data Submission’ page will always be available to any person that offers their time as volunteer researchers. We welcome submissions of new resources at any time provided they fall within the operational focus of Red Alert – See data submission here >

  • The 4WardEverUK Team will send an email with the information you need
  • Once you have this email please refer to the Research Guide : Download it here >
  • You can submit resource information via the data submission page as referred to above
  • We will let you know we have received your submissions. They may be subject to editing by 4WardEverUK prior to publishing on the support portal

Submitting Resource Information

Important: 4WardEverUK maintains an editorial and presentation format throughout all content on our websites. Please observe the following guide when submitting your resource information.

  1. Feel free to include agencies/organisations that operate outside the West Midlands and the Black Country regions
  2. Write/amend summaries (eg; ‘Organisation Summary‘ section) in third-person format
  3. Where possible avoid submitting personalised contacts that can be subject to change
  4. Complete information for ALL fields or mark ‘unknown’
  5. Select sub categories where possible or enter ‘To be assigned‘
  6. Entries can include more than one category or sub category (these may be reviewed/amended by communications volunteers)
  7. Your entries may be subject to a final edit to ensure uniformity and quick/easy-reading on the Red Alert HELP! support portal

That’s it and thanks again!

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