Remembrance & Memorials : The Katrina Killings

4WardEverUK • Sep 03, 2024

source: 4WardEverUK

published: 3 September 2024

Image Credit: George Becker at

From all of our hundreds of Remembrance Calendar entries, we particularly feature certain cases that were of notable historical significance.

The Katrina Killings

Police convicted of post-Katrina shootings:

A federal jury convicted five serving and former police officers in the deadly shootings on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina on 4th September 2005. Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally disabled man, was shot several times in the back and died at the scene. One of the officers, Kenneth Bowen, also stamped on him while he lay wounded.

James Brissette, 17, a high school student who friends said was nerdy and studious, also died on the bridge. Four others people from the same family were also wounded, one losing part of her arm.

Federal authorities had begun an investigation into the shootings on the Danziger Bridge shortly after a local judge dismissed murder and attempted murder charges against seven policemen in 2008.

The city descended into anarchy after the hurricane and the police were overrun. The four officers that stood accused of the shootings on 4th September 2005 were Kenneth Bowen, Robert Gisevius, Former officer Robert Faulcon and Anthony Villavaso. They are also accused of obstructing justice, along with two other officers, Arthur Kaufman and Gerard Dugue.

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