+44 1632 96099
FREE and subsidised service for affected family campaign groups
This service is provided by courtesy of 4WardEverUK in close association with our sister social enterprise First Stop Web Design.
The backdrop ..
As part of our ongoing commitment to support families affected by custody deaths, killings and abuses through exposure to the public, in November 2005 we launched the volunteer-led Family Web Pages Collective.
Our aim ..
Design services provided to affected families are generally FREE (or subsidised by the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund) from the Family Web Pages Collective.
There may be some charges payable to third parties if a site requires a unique web address, email account or other related bespoke services.
We will set up webpages using online resources or blog pages. These third party resources are usually free, Internet-based and can be managed from any PC or handheld device.
Please contact us if you would like further details of how to support the areas outlined on this page.
Important: The following may not be a complete list at the time of publication, and are likely to be updated from time to time as our needs and requirements change.
Last updated: 27 August 2023
Dr Kwame Nkrumah said
(inspiration for 4WardEverUK's name);
“We face neither East nor West; We face forward. All men of goodwill, organize, organize, organize. We prefer self-government in danger, to servitude in tranquility. Forward ever, backward never”.
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